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Beete Lamhe (Cover) | Talha Nadeem | New Song | Sad Song | Gaane ShaaneSong : Beete LamheArtist : Talha NadeemMusic Production : Aqeel AhmedD.O.P : Hamza Nadeem...
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TalhaNadeemMusic ► SoundCloud : https://soundcloud.com/talha_music Beete Lamhe (Unplugged Cover) by Talha Nadeem Sing...
Here is Unplugged Cover of a Beautiful Song "Beete Lamhe" from the Movie "The Train" originally sung by KK sir, composed by Mithoon Sir & penned by Sayeed Qadri...
Beete Lamhe - Unplugged Cover _ BikAsh _ The Train _ KKBik ashBik ash musicBik ash unplugged Bikash Bikash musicBikash unpluggedBikash songBik ash songMobile Ap...
cover song is sung by me appreciate your feed back...